Prophetic quotations (1) of Elder Ambrosios
(21/12/1912 - 2/12/2006)
From the (1st) book:[1]
Prophetic quotations
1 in
Holy Monastery of Dadiou "Panagia Gavriotissa"
Elder Ambrosios Lazaris
Spiritual Father of Dadiou Monastery
Holy Metropolis of Fthiotida, Greece
Selection and commentary by Leontios

Elders Iakovos Tsalikis (left) and Ambrosios (right)
At the end of August 2001,
someone asked him to pray to
Saint Nektarios for help.
The elder said:
- Leave the saint alone, my
child. He is in America,
rushing to save lives.
On September 11, 2001 the
Twin Towers fell. A few
months earlier he had said
that what will happen in
America will change the
course of History:
A great evil will happen to
and not only in September.
He had foretold this also to
the blessed Bishop Anthony
of Sisaniou & Siatistis in
one of the latter’s visits,
while others were present
too, without however giving
further explanations:
- Your Eminence, see what will happen to the Americans in a couple of months, he said. (page 119)
In 1990 he said that because
God wants to support the
He will soon reveal His
Saints visibly.
Because the temptations will
be great and the sufferings
heavy, the Lord will allow
for Saints appear, and even
great ones like St Demetrius
or St Gorge. People will be
hearing that on one week
this Saint appeared in
Crete, on the next another
Saint appeared in Macedonia,
another here, another there
(p 122).
- Elder, what can I do with
my children who are
They shout at me, the
watch the dangerous TV
programs and are influenced.
- Only the Lord can rectify
the situation, you will say:
“Lord, save me, mend my
ways, and enlighten my
children to be close to
You”. Then the Lord will
listen and will provide you
with what is needed.
- But does the Lord Listen
to us? Does our voice reach
- I don’t know… but last
month he had sore ears!
Tough years will come, but
don’t be afraid.
God does not forsake His
children, he will protect
them brazenly.
- What do you mean, Elder?
- Well, if you don’t have anything to eat, you will wake up in the morning finding a loaf of bread on the table and you will say: “Where did this come from?” But you must have faith. Without faith, nothing happens. (p 178)
- From now on, you cannot
imagine what you will see
and hear.
Never before have such
things happened in the world,
he said one day in the
summer of 2005.
- Will they happen to
- To the whole world and to
us. And why? Because we are
the beacon of Orthodoxy, but
we ended up from sin worse
than the atheists. (p 178)
The Elder used to say
about the final Judgment,
that the end of the world
will last as long as the Six
Psalms, a few minutes.
During the time we will be
judged, in the heavens the
angels will chant the Six
Psalms. All living people
will experience instant
death, and immediately after
they will be resurrected; we
will all be with our bodies
immaterial without occupying
space, each of us will see
the other’s body and
everyone will have the age
of 33 years.
The Lord will be
holding the book of life,
the Gospel, and
automatically we will go to
the right or to the left,
because we will know whether
we are for Paradise or not.
That’s why in the Throne
where the Bishop sits, in
the icon of Christ the book
is open, and there is no oil
lamp – which signifies that
there is no mercy at the
Second Coming. In contrast,
on the iconostasis, Christ
holds the book closed, and
there is an oil lamp,
because we still have mercy.
(p 183)
Because very hard times are
coming for mankind, God took
certain people and made them
officers. (p 210)
Things will advance very
rapidly. The devil will
prevail. Whoever approaches
him, he will strike and he
will crush. He has no
friends. (p 210)
Be careful, because the evil
one sets up snares. Don’t
laugh! He is next to us but
you cannot see him. Listen
to what I’m saying. Don’t
stop praying!
The devil makes folks sin, and after the sin he scares them and makes them be ashamed of going to confession. I went to hell for 15 minutes and thought I was there three hours. (p 210)
Whoever gets the mark (of
the beast), will not find a
moment of peace.
You must acquire
strong faith, by yourselves,
with patience, with
kindness, with fairness. We
must not lose the faith!
Have steadfast faith, and
God will provide help.
Without praying, we are
doomed. Don’t think about
the future, everything is in
God’s hands. Read the
Patristic texts every day a
little and God will
enlighten. Then your mind
(nous) will grow stronger.
(p 211)
10. The prayer «Lord have mercy» is like a sword that cuts Satan in two. We miserable folks found ourselves in the end times, both monks and laypeople, but the fight is a fight.
You shall not stop the fight
for even a second. Fight to
the end! And then the Lord,
who crowns the people and
restores them forever, He
will give you not the phony
and vain things of this
life, but will make you
worthy of reigning in the
Kingdom of Heaven. Forever!
Not for only 1000 or 100,000
years. Forever means without
end. (p 211)
Even if the earth grows
twice as much (in
population) God can feed it.
Regarding the resurrection
of bodies, have no doubt.
Yes, I am 90 years old. This
body must melt in the grave
in order to come out new,
incorruptible, everlasting,
without falling ill, without
feeling pain, without
thirsting, without feeling
hot; it will be like the
angelic bodies. As long as
we don’t fall into sin. God
wants us to tell Him that we
only live for Him. If we
stay in sin, then hell will
be everlasting. The
situation cannot be changed
there, the suffering, the
agony, the pain, the fire.
At the Seminary they tell
you these things softened.
Neither Iakovos nor
Porfyrios were saying these
in a strict manner. That’s
how they should say these
for people to listen and
repent. The devil comes and
attacks me mercilessly. He
tells me:
“Don’t tell them these so
clearly. Let them sleep.
Don’t let them awaken”.
(p 211)
Sin enters via the sensory
organs. We must stop it in
our brain, by prayers and
with the Lord’s prayer.
Envy is the worst sin, and
we have no excuses.
13. (About someone who suffered from depression): He still has not perfected his faith. When we truly believe, we talk with Christ like we do with our friend or father. Then He will converse with us. Christ will talk to us about all our issues, either via another person, or inside us he will speak and we will understand Him.
God has no constraints.
God rectifies everything with one caress.
When we err, our guardian Angel leaves, and sits farther away, saddened. But with one “I’m sorry”, my child, when it’s from the bottom of our soul, he returns.
Those who depart on Passion Week, go straight up. Blessed is the (faithful) person who dies on Saturday and has the funeral on Sunday. The road to heaven is open. (p 214)
Demons sometimes appeared to
him, and the times he
confronted them to save a
person were not few.
Sometimes demons even hit
him, but he would not reveal
this easily.
For example,
at one time, a large-bodied
demon appeared to him and
punched him in the face,
and the Elder, who was then
standing and strong, did not
hesitate and punched him
back. The marks of the blows
on him where sometimes
visible, like the time when
they bit him in the right
hand, between the index
finger and thumb, and the
blessed Bishop Antonios of
Sisaniou & Siatistis who saw
it, turned and told one of
his spiritual children
accompanying him:
- Did you see what satan did
to him?
One other time, when he was bedridden and could not even hear confessions, doctor T. Douros was in search of a spiritual father, and the Elder heard his confession, but during the night he suffered from the attacks of the demons who hit him because he took upon him the sins of the doctor. But at another time when one of his spiritual children asked him for his forgiveness because of the hardship he brought to him after confession, he relieved him saying:
- This is my job, my child. (p 89)
15. The Elder went to a monastery to worship, together with a young priest who was his spiritual child. At the reception room where they sat, there was an old photograph of the monks of that Monastery. While they were drinking some coffee, he took the photograph and pointed to one of the monks out of the 20 being pictured, and said into the ear of the young priest:
- Do you see them? Only this one is saved. (p 107)
Two years
before his reposed, he told
to one of his spiritual
children who he held in high
esteem, when he suggested to
take him for a short walk to
unwind shortly after his
release from the “Attiko”
- George, from where I am, I
go everywhere. I see
The well-known incidents
about the Elder are
revealing in regard to this
gift that God gave him,
especially during the last
three years of his life. For
example, one time he
revealed that his was in a
cave, serving Liturgy when
the early Christians.
His spiritual journeys
however, did not only
concern the past. He could
transport himself
spiritually and be informed
about a variety of things
happening either at present
or in the future. At one
time, for instance, he had
confided that he was in
Crete, serving Liturgy
together with a Priest,
beloved spiritual child of
his, and was very pleased by
what he experienced. (p 124)
17. As all should remember, during the morning of September 11, 2004, in the sea area of Sigitikos bay eight nautical miles away from Mount Athos, crashed the Chinook helicopter which was carrying the Patriarch of Alexandria Peter and 16 people with him, clergy and laity. That same evening the Elder was in great prayer. He saw where it was, and was feeling pain about what he saw, because he was wincing and his face made grimaces. He revealed only that the victims died in an agonizing manner, because they understood they were about to die and also they suffered severely.
Someone asked him:
- Elder, why this way, in
this place, and so many of
- God gathered them all, my
child, because that was His
will, he responded.
But after a few days, when
they brought the same topic
in conversation, the Elder
added the following:
- The manner they died, takes them all into Heaven. (p 124)
in our days
do not come toward the
light, because their works
are evil as the Lord said in
the Gospel. And when they go
to talk with someone and
listen to the word of God,
again they get more
confused, because their
works are evil. (p. 212)
19. Out of the 10 million Greeks, the 2 million will be saved, because they are steadfast. Why, did you see what you’re telling me? You won’t change course the way you are, even if they chop your head off. That’s how those 2 million of the Greeks are.
But the 8 million that the wolf took and choked, where are they? You really don’t know what corruption exists inside Greece. An unimaginable catastrophe, both of the spirit and of the body. (p. 202)
In the year 2000, the abbot
of another Monastery went to
Dadiou Monastery,
accompanied by a group of
young people. Everyone was
expecting to hear some good
words from Elder Ambrosios.
After the introductions, the
abbot asked:
- How do you see these young
folks, elder?
He stopped to think for a
little, somewhat sad, raised
his eyes, looked at them and
- I don’t see zeal!
And after the silence that
fell on the group, he
- Tell me, who do you love,
the abbot or Christ?
I think you love the
Implicitly he criticized the tendency some people have for attaching themselves unto Elders (who satisfy their own worldly will).
“...We must not deify abbots and elders, but the goal must be Jesus Christ. He is the one who saves. The others are the means, not the end.” And he was categorical about this. (p 161)
We, the Greeks, have the
need of strong catechism.
Where are you, sir
10,000 professors of
theology, you should go to
the town squares to preach
the Gospel, not
wait in the highschools and
pulpits. Because the pulpits
don’t reach the people! Why?
the truth that should be
told is not said inside the
Christian temple. The truth
is hidden by all of us
teachers. I tell you this
with full conscience.
The truth is hidden, the
Greek people are not taught
like they ought to be. We
direct them elsewhere and
are not telling them the
truth that would bring them
to their senses, which would
bring us to our senses as
well. Because our spirits
are blinded and our hearts
are in darkness, without the
Spirit of God, which we are
supposed to transmit to our
neighbor, to transmit to our
fellow humans the Spirit of
God. (p. 233)
22. Don’t wait, my Christian brothers, for a prophet Elijah to come and save us. Because if that time comes, it will be very tragic for man, especially for us Christians, when prophet Elijah will come upon the earth.
He is here on earth, the prophet, he is here among us, and he will reveal himself in his allotted time, which will be terrible for false prophets like myself, my Christian brothers. I also am a "false" prophet, unfortunately, because I only say words to you, but am not accomplished in works, and therefore forgive me. (p. 233).
Abbess Galine of Dadiou Monastery "Panagia Gavriotissa"
(Reposed in the Lord on April 20th, 2012)
Comments by Leontios Monahos
Some quotations,
although not visibly
prophetic, reveal the
tendencies of our times, and
in that light they were
selected along with the
others, to comprise a
complementary entity.
Besides, prophecies for
Orthodoxy are the strongest
expression of its teaching,
and not some kind of
fortune-telling, as they
think fans of astrological
forecasts and of ambiguous
quatrains of Nostradamus.
We observe in 01 that elder Ambrosios predicts another event similar to 9/11 in America, possibly one that is known as “New Dawn - Blackjack”. These acts (if not from enemies) are aiming to abolish democratic freedoms, and are carried out by the para-state which controls (working behind the scenes and through masonic lodges) the governments in the entire West. Christians will suffer greatly from these events, but for consolation God will send to them Saints, to relieve them from their many hardships (02). Many miracles will be occurring, even for the daily nourishment of the faithful (03).
Elder Ambrosios sees these events (04) worsening from 2005 onwards. The same was said by elder Bessarion.[3]

Elders Ambrosios, and Porfyrios (right).
Fortunately, for those that
are already spiritually
prepared, things will
develop very rapidly, and
because those who aspire to
topple law and order are now
working almost overtly
together with the devil
(promoting occultism
everywhere), evil will
become widespread (07).
those who side with the
devil shall perish.
The "mark of the beast",
even before the final
Antichrist, on them who
receive it, is a sign of
submission to the antichrist
spirit of those who pursue
the totalitarian control of
mankind. This is regardless
whether the control happens
by force visibly, e.g. with
wars, or covertly, by guided
anarchy, fake-terrorism,
etc. Therefore it has
spiritual consequences; it
is not something neutral to
the salvation of the soul of
those who receive it, even
if the final
has not yet appeared.
According to elder Ambrosios
the people who receive the
mark will not have peace
even in this life.
Jesus Prayer”
in its various expressions
such as
Jesus Christ, have mercy on
me” is a
strong spiritual weapon (10).
The demons are distancing
themselves from the people
who pray in this way. The
elders, when their spiritual
children are weak, avoid
talking about the evil
spirits, in order to prevent
confusion and panic to their
mind. However, for the Monks
and whoever has acquired
certain spiritual
experiences, the exposure of
the role of the demons for
the deceit of the faithful
is valuable, and that is the
reason why elder Ambrosios
was talking about this
subject (11),
when many theologians,
especially in the west,
ignore it.
The New World Order is
trying with ...endless wars
to accomplish its dominance.
Nevertheless, with a minute
movement like a caress (13),
God will overturn all its
vain effort and
Orthodoxy will shine
Demons are embodied
sometimes, when God allows,
and consequently the elder’s
experience of them (14)
is not strange, and
resembles that of
Phil Schneider that we
wrote in another text (the
same as in footnote 3, about
God does not do personal
favors in the matter of
salvation. If the monks
don’t strive to be saved,
the monks will perish too (15).
The elder was able to travel
in time (16)
and have realistic
experiences from these
Moreover not just into the
future, for which Einstein’s
formulas allow a small a
possibility, but even into
the past!
The fall of the Chinook (17)
with the Patriarch of
Alexandria occurred on
September 11 (2004), like 3
years earlier on the same
day was the occurrence of
the attack on the twin
How many finally are the
saved Greeks, at the 2nd
Coming, has not been
revealed to anyone. Those,
whom the elder refers to,
are they
that lived during his time,
and according to his opinion
they could be saved (19).
The respect and love toward
the elders must stand on the
archetype, the leader of our
souls, Lord Jesus Christ
Otherwise there is self
serving and false comforting
of the soul, which in
reality is preserved in a
kind of hibernation. At that
time also there is no true
Spirit inside of us to
enlighten, and strengthen
the faith of others. Much
more the truth is not being
told openly and officially
(from the pulpit) (21).
That’s a characteristic of
the widespread hypocrisy of
our last days, at which time
prophet Elijah will appear
to preach, with a voice
uncompromising to the
prevailing corruption. But
he will appear very few
years before the 2nd Coming,
not now, since not even the
3rd world war has occurred
yet, so we should not be
basing our salvation on his
appearance (22).
Salutations, March,
(7)20, 2009
Translated from Greek to
English in October 2012
Leontios Monahos Dionysiates
Monahos Dionysiates
(LMD) is a Monk of Holy
Monastery of Dionysiou, on
Mount Athos, Greece.
[3] In Greek: