3ος Παγκόσμιος πόλεμος για να σωθούν οι ολιγάρχες!













Μετά από Γαλλική είδηση, τα Κινεζικά μέσα ενημέρωσης και άλλα ευρωπαϊκά αργότερα, σε μεγάλη ένταση ανάφεραν και σχολίασαν την τελευταία συνάντηση μεταξύ του πολυεθνικού «think tank» RAND και του Πενταγώνου στις ΗΠΑ.

            Ο Οργανισμός Ροκφέλλερ & Φορντ-Κάρνεγκι που βρίσκεται πίσω από τη RAND πρότεινε ότι ένας πόλεμος των ΗΠΑ με μια άλλη μεγάλη παγκόσμια δύναμη θα αναζωογονούσε την οικονομία βοηθώντας την παρούσα Τραπεζική ελίτ να συνεχίσει την άσκηση του ελέγχου της πάνω στην Αμερική.

            Οι διευθυντές του Rand που είναι επίσης μπλεγμένοι στη διαβόητη ομάδα Carlyle που διοικείται από πρώην πολιτικούς ζήτησαν τα $5 τρισεκατομμύρια δολάρια του προγράμματος διάσωσης της οικονομίας να χρησιμοποιηθούν για την χρηματοδότηση ενός νέου πολέμου! Η ακριβής χώρα που θα δεχτεί την επίθεση δεν έγινε γνωστή αλλά οι πιθανοί υποψήφιοι είναι η Ρωσία, η Κίνα, το Ιράν και πιθανόν ακόμα και η Ιαπωνία αφού αυτοί κρατάνε το περισσότερο χρέος των ΗΠΑ. Ο αναλυτής της RAND κατέστησε σαφές στο Πεντάγωνο και στους πολιτικούς κυβερνητικούς αξιωματούχους που ήταν παρόντες ότι η επίθεση πρέπει να γίνει σε ένα έθνος μεγάλης επιρροής ξένης ισχύος. Γι' αυτό το λόγο η Βόρεια Κορέα γρήγορα απορρίφθηκε.


WWIII Encouraged by Rand Corporation (4-11-2008)

Chinese news exposes the Rand Corporations plans to start World War III (30-10-2008)



Rand Corporation Lobbies Pentagon To Start Major War To Save The US Economy

According to reports out of top Chinese mainstream news outlets, the RAND Corporation recently presented a shocking proposal to the Pentagon in which it lobbied for a war to be started with a major foreign power in an attempt to stimulate the American economy and prevent a recession.

A fierce debate has now ensued in China about who that foreign power may be, with China itself as well as Russia and even Japan suspected to be the targets of aggression.

The reports cite French media news sources as having uncovered the proposal, in which RAND suggested that the $700 billion dollars that has been earmarked to bailout Wall Street and failing banks instead be used to finance a new war which would in turn re-invigorate the flagging stock markets.

The RAND Corporation is a notoriously powerful NGO with deep ties to the U.S. military-industrial complex as well as interlocking connections with the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations.

Current directors of RAND include Frank Charles Carlucci III, former Defense Secretary and Deputy Director of the CIA, Ronald L. Olson, Council on Foreign Relations luminary and former Secretary of Labor, and Carl Bildt, top Bilderberg member and former Swedish Prime Minister.

Carlucci was chairman of the Carlyle Group from 1989-2005 and oversaw gargantuan profits the defense contractor made in the aftermath of 9/11 following the invasion of Afghanistan. The Carlyle Group has also received investment money from the Bin Laden family.           Read more…

Μεταφρασμένη στα αγγλικά από τα κινεζικά σελίδα:


Rand Corporation United States military to mention the "war to save the market" with great power war

2008103009:02 [ 我来说两句 At 9:02 on October 30, 2008 [I来说两句 (1241)] [字号: ] ] [Font Size: 大中小]

来源:国际在线 Source: International online

兰德的战争救市论太荒唐 Rand's "war to save the market theory" ridiculous


据法国媒体披露,美国著名智库机构兰德公司已向国防部提交了一份评估报告,评估发动一场战争来转嫁目前经济危机的可行性。            According to the French media, the U.S. think tank the Rand Corporation has been the Department of Defense agencies submitted an assessment report, the assessment to launch a war to pass the feasibility of the current economic crisis. 报告认为,用7000亿美元救市的效果,很可能不如用7000亿美元发动一场战争,而战争的对象与以往对伊拉克或者阿富汗不同,可能是某个大国。 The report, with 700 billion U.S. dollars to rescue the market effect, it may not be used 700 billion U.S. dollars to launch a war, and the object of the war against Iraq with the past or different parts of Afghanistan may be a big country.

            不可否认,战争历来是政治的继续,而经济又是政治的基础和最终目的。 It is undeniable that the war has always been a continuation of politics, and economic and political foundation and ultimate goal. 持续深化的美国次贷危机和经济衰退,发展到一定程度,很有可能诱发战争,以达到转嫁危机的目的。 Continued deepening of the U.S. sub-loan crisis and economic recession, has developed to a certain extent, most likely induced by the war, so as to achieve the purpose of the crisis shifted.

从历史来看,二战结束后,美国曾经对别国发起过多次战争,尤其在它成为一枝独秀的超级大国后,更是将战争当做它维持霸权主义的主要工具,如阿富汗战争、伊拉克战争等。            From a historical perspective, after World War II, the United States against other countries have launched several wars, particularly in it to become the only superpower after the war even as its main tool to maintain hegemony, such as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, etc. . 这些都被看成是美国实现新罗马帝国雄心的扩张手段。 These are the United States was seen as the realization of the "New Roman Empire" ambitious expansion means.

但是,对另外一国,尤其是大国发动战争,绝非儿戏,就算是对于美国这样的超级大国也不例外。 However, on another country, especially the big powers to wage war, by no means a trifling matter, even for a superpower like the United States is no exception. 首先,当前的美国已经无力发动一场大规模的战争。 First of all, the current inability of the United States has launched a large-scale war. 近日,由新美国安全中心智库和美国《外交政策》杂志,对美军退休和现役军官进行的一项民意测验显示,近90%的退休和现役军官认为,受伊拉克战争的拖累,美国军力已大幅减弱,80%的被调查者认为美国此时无力再发动另一场大规模战争。 Recently, the United States by the new Security Center and the United States think-tank "Foreign Policy" magazine, the U.S. military retirees and active duty military officers conducted a public opinion poll showed that nearly 90% of the retired and serving military officers believe that the war in Iraq dragged down by the U.S. military has quietened down considerably, 80 percent of respondents believe that the United States at this time no longer able to launch another large-scale war.

            其次,美国已经没有道德凝聚力,难以找到战争盟友。 Secondly, the United States has no moral cohesion, it is difficult to find allies in the war. 1991年第一次海湾战争,虽然是美军为主打的,但出钱的却是日本和西欧盟国。 In 1991 the first Gulf War, although it is mainly the U.S. military to fight, but the money is in Japan and Western European allies. 战争盟国的加入不但让美国获得了道义上的高点,并获得了大量资金的帮助;但到了2003年的伊拉克战争,美国的西欧盟友法国、德国却都加入了反对阵营,美国自身承担了基本是全部的战争费用,并在道义上受到世界媒体的长时间谴责。 War allies to join not only the United States won the moral high point, and obtained the help of a lot of money; but the 2003 war in Iraq, U.S. allies in Western Europe, France, Germany, none joined the opposition, the United States to bear the basic is all the war costs, and the world in the moral condemnation of the media a long time.

            这说明虽然美国国力非常强大,也无法改变随人类文明发展而进步的战争观。 This shows that although the United States a very powerful national strength, it can not be changed with the development of human civilization and progress of the war concept. 在今天的世界,美国若要发动一场以转移金融危机为目的的战争,将与法西斯战争无异,必将受到全世界的唾弃,并加速其衰落。 In today's world, the United States to launch a war to divert the financial crisis for the purpose of the war, will work with the same fascist war, the world will surely be cast aside, and to accelerate its decline.

再次,美国与任何一个大国的战争,必将加速其他大国的崛起。 Again, the United States and any of a large country of war, is bound to accelerate the rise of other major countries. 美国目前所面临的糟糕情况不仅仅限于国内,来自其他经济体的威胁才是美国最为担心的。 The United States is currently facing the worst situation is not limited to domestic and other economies from the threat of the United States is most worried about. 法国总统萨科齐就发表过推倒美国经济,重建世界经济的论调,旨在掀翻美国的经济霸主地位,并由欧盟取而代之;日本也在积极筹建亚元区,在东南亚地区取代美国;俄罗斯则以能源和军事为双翼,准备构建卢布区域;另外,认可中国成为新的经济领头羊的呼声在第三世界国家也是此起彼伏。 French President Nicolas Sarkozy issued a "tear down the U.S. economy, rebuilding the world economy" argument to the U.S. economy overturned hegemony replaced by the European Union; Japan is also actively preparing for the construction sub-element area, replaced the United States in Southeast Asia; Russia are energy and military wings, ready to build a regional rubles; In addition, China has become a recognized leader in the new economic voices in the third world countries one after another.

            在这种情况下,美国与任何一个大国的战争,都将加速其他竞争对手的崛起。 Under such circumstances, the United States and any of a large country of war, will accelerate the rise of other competitors. 所谓鹬蚌相争,渔人得利,在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战中,美国都是等待交战双方都损失巨大时,才最后加入渔利,从而得以取得今天的世界霸主地位。 The so-called "snipe and the clam grapple fight, the fisherman profits", in World War I and World War II, the United States are waiting for the two warring sides have huge losses when it is added at the end of profit, which can be achieved hegemony in the world today . 老于此道的美国,又怎么会不清楚这一点? Old Road, the United States in this, how would not it?

            因此,美国智囊机构的这个战争拯救美国金融危机的论调,看起来似乎对其他国家充满威胁,但实质上来说是一种几近绝望情绪的表现。 Therefore, the United States think tank of the "war to save the U.S. financial crisis" argument, may seem a threat to other countries, but in essence is a "near-despair" emotional performance. 与金融危机是利益之争不同,对当今世界上任何一个大国发动的战争,都将是生存之争,不论对俄、中、印和欧洲国家,还是对美国自身来说,都将是涉及比利益更为根本的生存权的争夺,是各国的最核心利益之所在,是任何一个大国都无法放弃的。 With the financial crisis is a struggle between different interests of any one of the world's major powers war would be a struggle for survival, regardless of Russia, China, India and European countries or the United States itself is concerned, will be involved in more than more fundamental interests of competing for the right to life is the core countries in the interests of any one State can not give up. 因此,美国若想通过对其他大国的战争来解决金融危机,在核时代,是根本不具备操作性的,是行不通的。 Therefore, the United States if the adoption of other great powers of war to solve the financial crisis, in the nuclear era, is does not have the interoperability is not feasible.

            在金融危机波及世界之际,各国纷纷质疑当前以美元霸权为主要标志的国际金融制度的不合理性,美国盟友欧盟国家更是提出了重回布雷顿森林体系的主张。 In the financial turmoil in the world, the countries have challenged the current U.S. dollar hegemony as the main indicator of the irrational international financial system, and U.S. allies are European Union countries raised the idea of returning to the Bretton Woods system. 在下个月15日即将召开全球金融峰会之际,美国的战争救市论,与其说是美国的真实战略选项,还不如说是美国用来增加谈判筹码的一声呼喊。 On the 15th next month, the upcoming global financial summit, the United States on the war to rescue the market, rather than the real U.S. strategy options, not as good as said that the United States a bargaining chip to increase the shout out. 国际在线-世界新闻报 International Online - World Business News

(责任编辑:肖尧) (Editor:肖尧)  [ 我来说两句 [I来说两句 (1241��)]

